Why homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a safe, non invasive, holistic and effective system of medicine.
Homeopathic philosophy involves treating the individual, not just the disease, with individualised regimes depending on your whole emotional/physical/spiritual state.
Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms, using natural remedies which are safe, non-toxic, non–addictive, free from side effects and do not interfere with other medical treatments. This means that homeopathy is safe to use during pregnancy, whilst nursing and is particularly effective for children.
Research is increasingly showing what users and practitioners of this natural medicine have been saying for hundreds of years, that not only does homeopathy offer short term improvements (e.g. a reduction/alleviation in symptoms) but also long-term improvements to your health.
The largest comparative study of homeopathy to date showed that patients who consult general practitioners certified in homeopathy used significantly less antibiotics and antipyretic/anti-inflammatory (e.g. paracetamol and ibuprofen) for acute illnesses than those whose doctors only prescribed traditional medicine. This is because homeopathy's goal is to strengthen our own innate healing capabilities, building up our natural defence systems to better cope with life's stressors.

How does homeopathic
medicine work?
Using diluted substances as remedies, the body is gently encouraged in the direction of healing itself.
The homeopathic medicine, or remedies, are highly diluted forms of natural substances. It is their energy which we resonate with, which contains almost a ‘roadmap’ to nudge our body to remember how to heal itself.
Disease comes about when our body’s natural healing mechanisms are not able to adapt to the demands of our life, physical or emotional. This is usually a combination of our innate susceptibility, triggered by an emotional or physical event, or several of these. This disturbed energetic state, along with our body’s attempts to rebalance itself, create symptoms.
A remedy which has been highly indicated will resonate with this diseased energetic state. This medicine then transfers the piece of information to tell the body how to move back towards a healthy energetic state. This is what we have come to call ‘healing’.